
Otgaar, Henry & Howe, Mark & Dodier, Olivier & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth & Lynn, Steven & Merckelbach, Harald & Patihis, Lawrence & Nl, Henry. (2020). Belief in Unconscious Repressed Memory Persists. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Lynn, Steven & Polizzi, Craig & Lilienfeld, Scott & Carducci, Bernardo & Nave, Christopher & Mio, Jeffrey & Riggio, Ronald. (2020). Dissociative Disorders. 67-73. 10.1002/9781119547181.ch276.

Costello, Thomas & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Social and Economic Political Ideology Consistently Operate as Mutual Suppressors: Implications for Personality, Social, and Political Psychology. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 10.1177/1948550620964679.

Latzman, Robert & Tobin, Kaitlyn & Palumbo, Isabella & Conway, Christopher & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Krueger, Robert. (2020). Locating psychopathy within the domain space of personality pathology. Personality and Individual Differences. 164. 110124. 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110124.

Vitacco, Michael & Gottfried, Emily & Lilienfeld, Scott & Batastini, Ashley. (2020). The Limited Relevance of Neuroimaging in Insanity Evaluations. Neuroethics. 13. 10.1007/s12152-019-09421-8.

Patrick, Christopher & Joyner, Keanan & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott & Somma, Antonella & Fossati, Andrea & Donnellan, M & Hopwood, Christopher & Sellbom, Martin & Drislane, Laura & Edens, John & Latzman, Robert & Sica, Claudio & Benning, Stephen & Morey, Leslie & Hicks, Brian & Fanti, Kostas & Blonigen, Daniel & Krueger, Robert. (2020). Latent variable modeling of item-based factor scales: Comment on Triarchic or septarchic?-Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) Structure, by Roy et al. Personality disorders. 10.1037/per0000424.

Kennealy, Patrick & Skeem, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Clarifying Conceptions Underlying Adult Psychopathy Measures: A Construct Validity Metric Approach. Assessment. 1073191120958058. 10.1177/1073191120958058.

Basterfield, Candice & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). The History of the Early Controlled Trial: Lessons for Contemporary Clinical Psychologists and Students. 10.31234/

Costello, Thomas & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Social and Economic Political Ideology Consistently Operate as Mutual Suppressors: Implications for Personality, Social, and Political Psychology. 10.31234/

Bowes, Shauna & Costello, Thomas & Ma, Winkie & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Looking Under the Tinfoil Hat: Clarifying the Personological and Psychopathological Correlates of Conspiracy Beliefs. Journal of Personality. 10.1111/jopy.12588.

Otgaar, Henry & Wang, Jianqin & Dodier, Olivier & Howe, Mark & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth & Lynn, Steven & Merckelbach, Harald & Patihis, Lawrence & Nl, Henry & Uk, Lawrence. (2020). Skirting the Issue: What Does Believing in Repression Mean?. Journal of Experimental Psychology General. 149. 10.1037/xge0000982.

Basterfield, Candice & Lilienfeld, Scott & Cautin, Robin & Jordan, Dylan. (2020). Mental illness misconceptions among undergraduates: Prevalence, correlates, and instructional implications.. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. 10.1037/stl0000221.

Bowes, Shauna & Blanchard, Madeline & Costello, Thomas & Abramowitz, Alan & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Intellectual humility and between-party animus: Implications for affective polarization in two community samples. Journal of Research in Personality. 88. 103992. 10.1016/j.jrp.2020.103992.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Basterfield, Candice. (2020). Reflective practice in clinical psychology: Reflections from basic psychological science. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 10.1111/cpsp.12352.

Rosen, Gerald & Washburn, Jason & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Specialty certifications for mental health practitioners: A cautionary case study.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 51. 10.1037/pro0000324.

Costello, Thomas & Bowes, Shauna & Stevens, Sean & Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Clarifying the Structure and Nature of Left-Wing Authoritarianism. 10.31234/

lilienfeld, scott & Basterfield, Candice. (2020). History of Evidence-Based Practice. 10.31234/

Costello, Thomas & Bowes, Shauna & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). “Escape from Freedom”: Authoritarianism-related traits, political ideology, personality, and belief in free will/determinism.. 10.31234/

Cobb, Cory & Lilienfeld, Scott & Frisby, Craig & Schwartz, Seth & Sanders, Gardiner. (2020). Rethinking Multiculturalism: Toward a Balanced Approach. The American Journal of Psychology. 133. 10.5406/amerjpsyc.133.3.0275.

Poore, Holly & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin. (2020). Construct validity of youth psychopathic traits as assessed by the Antisocial Process Screening Device. Psychological Assessment. 32. 10.1037/pas0000809.

Bowes, Shauna & Ammirati, Rachel & Costello, Thomas & Basterfield, Candice & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Cognitive biases, heuristics, and logical fallacies in clinical practice: A brief field guide for practicing clinicians and supervisors.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 51. 10.1037/pro0000309.

Bowes, Shauna & Blanchard, Madeline & Costello, Thomas & Abramowitz, Alan & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Intellectual Humility and Between-Party Animus: Implications for Affective Polarization in Two Community Samples. 10.31234/

Bowes, Shauna & Costello, Thomas & Ma, Winkie & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Looking Under the Tinfoil Hat: Clarifying the Personological and Psychopathological Correlates of Conspiracy Beliefs. 10.31234/

Denault, Vincent & Plusquellec, Pierrich & Jupe, Louise & St-Yves, Michel & Dunbar, Norah & Hartwig, Maria & Sporer, Siegfried & Rioux-Turcotte, Jessica & Jarry, Jonathan & Walsh, Dave & Otgaar, Henry & Viziteu, Andrei & Talwar, Victoria & Keatley, David & Blandon-Gitlin, Iris & Townson, Clint & Deslauriers-Varin, Nadine & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patterson, Miles & Koppen, Peter. (2020). L’analyse de la communication non verbale: Les dangers de la pseudoscience en contextes de sécurité et de justice. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique. 73. 15-44.

Costello, Thomas & Stevens, Sean & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). Development and preliminary validation of the Left-wing Authoritarianism Index. 10.17605/OSF.IO/QAHW6.  – can’t upload the PDF file

Costello, Thomas & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2020). The Left-wing Authoritarianism Index – Short Form. 10.13140/RG.2.2.18165.32488.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Basterfield, Candice. (2020). The jigsaw puzzle of fraudulent health claims: Missing psychological pieces. Social Science & Medicine. 259. 112818. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112818.

Denault, Vincent & Plusquellec, Pierrich & Jupe, Louise & St-Yves, Michel & Dunbar, Norah & Hartwig, Maria & Sporer, Siegfried & Rioux-Turcotte, Jessica & Jarry, Jonathan & Walsh, Dave & Otgaar, Henry & Viziteu, Andrei & Talwar, Victoria & Keatley, David & Blandon-Gitlin, Iris & Townson, Clint & Deslauriers-Varin, Nadine & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patterson, Miles & Koppen, Peter. (2020). The analysis of nonverbal communication: The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica. 30. 1-12. 10.5093/apj2019a9.

Aczel, Balazs & Szászi, Barnabas & Sarafoglou, Alexandra & Zoltan, Kekecs & Kucharský, Šimon & Benjamin, Daniel & Chambers, Christopher & Fisher, Agneta & Gelman, Andrew & Gernsbacher, Morton & Ioannidis, John & Johnson, Eric & Jonas, Kai & Kousta, Stavroula & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lindsay, D. & Morey, Candice & Munafò, Marcus & Newell, Benjamin & Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan. (2020). Author Correction: A consensus-based transparency checklist. Nature Human Behaviour. 4. 1-1. 10.1038/s41562-019-0812-2.

Denault, Vincent & Plusquellec, Pierrich & Jupe, Louise & St-Yves, Michel & Dunbar, Norah & Hartwig, Maria & Sporer, Siegfried & Rioux-Turcotte, Jessica & Jarry, Jonathan & Walsh, Dave & Otgaar, Henry & Viziteu, Andrei & Talwar, Victoria & Keatley, David & Blandon-Gitlin, Iris & Townson, Clint & Deslauriers-Varin, Nadine & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patterson, Miles & Koppen, Peter. (2020). Análisis de la comunicación no verbal: Los peligros de la pseudociencia en entornos de seguridad y justicia. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica. 30. 1-12.

Aczel, Balazs & Szászi, Barnabas & Sarafoglou, Alexandra & Zoltan, Kekecs & Kucharský, Šimon & Benjamin, Daniel & Chambers, Christopher & Fisher, Agneta & Gelman, Andrew & Gernsbacher, Morton & Ioannidis, John & Johnson, Eric & Jonas, Kai & Kousta, Stavroula & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lindsay, D. & Morey, Candice & Monafò, Marcus & Newell, Benjamin & Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan. (2019). A consensus-based transparency checklist. Nature Human Behaviour. 4. 10.1038/s41562-019-0772-6.

Schlosser, Ralf & Hemsley, Bronwyn & Shane, Howard & Todd, James & Lang, Russell & Lilienfeld, Scott & Trembath, David & Mostert, Mark & Fong, Seraphina & Odom, Samuel. (2019). Rapid Prompting Method and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review Exposes Lack of Evidence. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 6. 10.1007/s40489-019-00175-w.

Costello, Thomas & Watts, Ashley & Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Extending the nomological network of sexual objectification to psychopathic and allied personality traits. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 11. 10.1037/per0000377.

Otgaar, Henry & Wang, Jianqin & Howe, Mark & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth & Lynn, Steven & Merckelbach, Harald & Patihis, Lawrence & Nl, Henry. (2019). Belief in Unconscious Repressed Memory Is Widespread: A Comment on Brewin, Li, Ntarantana, Unsworth, and McNeilis (in press). Journal of Experimental Psychology General. 149. 10.1037/xge0000721.

Otgaar, Henry & Howe, Mark & Patihis, Lawrence & Merckelbach, Harald & Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth & Nl, Henry. (2019). The Return of the Repressed: The Persistent and Problematic Claims of Long-Forgotten Trauma. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 10.1177/1745691619862306.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Murphy, Brett & Costello, Thomas & Bowes, Shauna & Smith, Sarah & Latzman, Robert & Haslam, Nick & Tabb, Kathryn. (2019). Psychopathy as an Emergent Interpersonal Syndrome: Further Reflections and Future Directions. Journal of Personality Disorders. 33. 645-652. 10.1521/pedi.2019.33.5.645.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Murphy, Brett & Costello, Thomas & Bowes, Shauna & Smith, Sarah & Latzman, Robert & Haslam, Nick & Tabb, Kathryn. (2019). Personality Disorders as Emergent Interpersonal Syndromes: Psychopathic Personality as a Case Example. Journal of Personality Disorders. 33. 577-622. 10.1521/pedi.2019.33.5.577.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). What is “evidence” in psychotherapies?. World Psychiatry. 18. 245-246. 10.1002/wps.20654.

Bowes, Shauna & Watts, Ashley & Thompson, William & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Clarifying the association between psychopathy dimensions and internalizing symptoms in two community samples: The role of general personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 147. 144-155. 10.1016/j.paid.2019.04.024.

Weiss, Brandon & Crowe, Michael & Harris, Alexandra & Carter, Nathan & Lynam, Donald & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Miller, Joshua. (2019). Examining hypothesized interactive and curvilinear relations between psychopathic traits and externalizing problems in an offender sample using item response-based analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 128. 10.1037/abn0000462.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Microaggression Research and Application: Clarifications, Corrections, and Common Ground. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 15. 174569161986711. 10.1177/1745691619867117.

Marcus, David & Eichenbaum, Alexander & Anderson, Ashley & Zimmerman, Jacob & Nagel, Madeline & Zeigler-Hill, Virgil & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Construction and preliminary validation of Triarchic Psychopathy Scales from the HEXACO-100. Psychological assessment. 31. 961-973. 10.1037/pas0000716.

Costello, Thomas & Bowes, Shauna & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Supplemental materials for preprint: “Escape from Freedom”: Some Implications of Authoritarianism for Belief in Determinism.

Lynn, Steven & Maxwell, Reed & Merckelbach, Harald & Lilienfeld, Scott & van Heugten, Dalena & Miskovic, Vladimir. (2019). Dissociation and its disorders: Competing modjanetels, future directions, and a way forward. Clinical Psychology Review. 73. 101755. 10.1016/j.cpr.2019.101755.

Watts, Ashley & Poore, Holly & Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin. (2019). Clarifying the Associations between Big Five Personality Domains and Higher-Order Psychopathology Dimensions in Youth. Journal of Research in Personality. 82. 10.1016/j.jrp.2019.07.002.

Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott & Glasgow, Russell. (2019). Psychiatry’s stance towards scientifically implausible therapies: are we losing ground?. The Lancet Psychiatry. 6. 10.1016/S2215-0366(19)30276-7.

Weiss, Brandon & Crowe, Michael & Harris, Alexandra & Carter, Nathan & Lynam, Donald & Watts, Ashley & lilienfeld, scott & Miller, Josh & Skeem, Jennifer. (2019). Examining hypothesized interactive and curvilinear relations between psychopathic traits and externalizing problems in an offender sample using item response-based analysis. 10.31219/

Bowes, Shauna & Brown, April & Thompson, William & Sellbom, Martin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Do Psychopathic Traits Statistically Protect Against PTSD? A Retrospective Study of Vietnam Veterans. Journal of Personality Disorders. 1-S4. 10.1521/pedi_2019_33_432.

Reidy, Dennis & Lilienfeld, Scott & Berke, Danielle & Gentile, Brittany & Zeichner, Amos. (2019). Psychopathy Traits and Violent Assault Among Men With and Without History of Arrest. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 10.1177/0886260516660972.

Bensley, D. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rowan, Krystal & Masciocchi, Christopher & Grain, Florent. (2019). The Generality of Belief in Unsubstantiated Claims. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 34. 10.1002/acp.3581.

Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Are Self-Report Cognitive Empathy Ratings Valid Proxies for Cognitive Empathy Ability? Negligible Meta-Analytic Relations With Behavioral Task Performance. Psychological Assessment. 31. 10.1037/pas0000732.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Reflections on clinical judgment and the dimensional-categorical distinction in the study of personality disorders: Comment on Bornstein (2019). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 10. 210-214. 10.1037/per0000318.

Costello, Thomas & Watts, Ashley & Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Extending the Nomological Network of Sexual Objectification Perpetration to Psychopathic and Allied Personality Traits. 10.31234/

Washburn, Jason & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rosen, Gerald & Gaudiano, Brandon & Davison, Gerald & Hollon, Steven & Otto, Michael & Penberthy, Jennifer & Sher, Kenneth & Teachman, Bethany & Peris, Tara & Weinand, Jonathan. (2019). Reaffirming the scientific foundations of psychological practice: Recommendations of the Emory meeting on continuing education.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 50. 77-86. 10.1037/pro0000235.

Verschuere, Bruno & Yasrebi-de Kom, Franziska & Zelm, Iza & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). A Plea for Preregistration in Personality Disorders Research: The Case of Psychopathy. Journal of Personality Disorders. 1-16. 10.1521/pedi_2019_33_426.

Latzman, Robert & Patrick, Christopher & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Heterogeneity matters: implications for Poeppl et al.’s (2019) meta-analysis and future neuroimaging research on psychopathy. Molecular Psychiatry. 25. 1. 10.1038/s41380-019-0386-4.

Patrick, Christopher & Kramer, Mark & Vaidyanathan, Uma & Benning, Stephen & Hicks, Brian & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Formulation of a Measurement Model for the Boldness Construct of Psychopathy. Psychological Assessment. 31. 10.1037/pas0000690.

Persson, Björn & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2019). Social status as one key indicator of successful psychopathy: An initial empirical investigation. Personality and Individual Differences. 141. 209-217. 10.1016/j.paid.2019.01.020.

Vyse, Stuart & Hemsley, Bronwyn & Lang, Russell & Lilienfeld, Scott & Mostert, Mark & Schlinger, Henry & Shane, Howard & Sherry, Mark & Todd, James. (2019). Whose words are these? Statements derived from Facilitated Communication and Rapid Prompting Method undermine the credibility of Jaswal & Akhtar’s social motivation hypotheses. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 42. 10.1017/S0140525X18002236.

Verschuere, Bruno & Yasrebi-de Kom, Franziska & Zelm, Iza & lilienfeld, scott. (2018). A plea for preregistration in personality disorders research: The case of psychopathy. 10.31219/

Costello, Thomas & Smith, Sarah & Bowes, Shauna & Riley, Steven & Berns, Gregory & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Risky Business: Psychopathy, Framing Effects, and Financial Outcomes. Journal of Research in Personality. 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.11.006.

Wang, Shensheng & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rochat, Phililppe. (2018). Schadenfreude deconstructed and reconstructed: A tripartite motivational model. New Ideas in Psychology. 52. 1-11. 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2018.09.002.

Preston, Olivia & Watts, Ashley & Anestis, Joye & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Psychopathic Traits’ Differential Relations With Aggression Forms: Considering the Roles of Gender and Gender Role Adherence. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 37. 628-658. 10.1521/jscp.2018.37.8.628.

Weiss, Brandon & Crowe, Michael & Carter, Nathan & Lynam, Donald & Watts, Ashley & lilienfeld, scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Miller, Josh. (2018). Examining hypothesized curvilinear and interactive relations between psychopathic traits and externalizing problems in an offender sample using item response-based analysis. 10.31234/

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Smith, Sarah & Patrick, Christopher & Hare, Robert. (2018). Hervey Cleckley (1903-1984): Contributions to the Study of Psychopathy. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9. 10.1037/per0000306.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Direct replication and clinical psychological science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41. 10.1017/S0140525X18000754.

Murphy, Brett & Costello, Thomas & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Is Empathic Contagion Helpful or Harmful? Overlooked Heterogeneity in the Empathy Index. Psychological Assessment. 30. 10.1037/pas0000641.

Bowes, Shauna & Watts, Ashley & Costello, Thomas & Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Psychopathy and entertainment preferences: Clarifying the role of abnormal and normal personality in music and movie interests. Personality and Individual Differences. 129. 33-37. 10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.009.

Vazsonyi, Alexander & Flannery, Daniel & Delisi, Matt & Farrington, David & Pulkkinen, Lea & Eddy, J. & Schumer, Jean & Shortt, Joann & Capaldi, Deborah & Tiberio, Stacey & Low, Sabina & Figueredo, Aurelio & Patch, Emily & Pérez-Ramos, Marisol & Cruz, Gabriela & Barnes, J.C. & Tielbeek, Jorim & McLernon, Heather & Feiger, Jeremy & Foran, Heather. (2018). The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression. 10.1017/9781316847992.

Nagel, Madeline & Watts, Ashley & Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Psychopathy and Interests: Implications of Psychopathic Personality Traits for Vocational and Avocational Preferences. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9. 10.1037/per0000287.

Murphy, Brett & Costello, Thomas & Watts, Ashley & Cheong, Yuk & Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Strengths and Weaknesses of Two Empathy Measures: A Comparison of the Measurement Precision, Construct Validity, and Incremental Validity of Two Multidimensional Indices. Assessment. 27. 107319111877763. 10.1177/1073191118777636.

Falkenbach, Diana & Balash, Justin & Tsoukalas, Maria & Stern, Stephanie & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). From Theoretical to Empirical: Considering Reflections of Psychopathy Across the Thin Blue Line. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9. 10.1037/per0000270.

Watts, Ashley & Rohr, Jessica & McCauley, Katherine & Smith, Sarah & Howe, Kristin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Do Psychopathic Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Psychopathic Personality Traits and Romantic Preferences. Journal of Personality. 87. 10.1111/jopy.12394.

Neo, Bryan & Sellbom, Martin & Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Of Boldness and Badness: Insights into Workplace Malfeasance from a Triarchic Psychopathy Model Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics. 149. 10.1007/s10551-016-3108-8.

Gay, Jeremy & Vitacco, Michael & Hackney, Amy & Beussink, Courtney & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Relations among psychopathy, moral competence, and moral intuitions in student and community samples. Legal and Criminological Psychology. 10.1111/lcrp.12128.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). The Multidimensional Nature of Psychopathy: Five Recommendations for Research. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 40. 10.1007/s10862-018-9657-7.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Mckay, Dean & Hollon, Steven. (2018). Why randomised controlled trials of psychological treatments are still essential. The Lancet Psychiatry. 5. 10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30045-2.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Mckay, Dean & Hollon, Steven. (2018). Changing the topic does not change the facts – Authors’ reply. The Lancet Psychiatry. 5. 10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30102-0.

Latzman, Robert & Palumbo, Isabella & Sauvigné, Katheryn & Hecht, Lisa & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher. (2018). Psychopathy and Internalizing Psychopathology: A Triarchic Model Perspective. Journal of Personality Disorders. 33. 1-26. 10.1521/pedi_2018_32_347.

Costello, Thomas & Unterberger, Ansley & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Psychopathy and Pride: Testing Lykken’s Hypothesis Regarding the Implications of Fearlessness for Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00185.

Watts, Ashley & Nagel, Madeline & Latzman, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Personality Disorder Features and Paraphilic Interests Among Undergraduates: Differential Relations and Potential Antecedents. Journal of Personality Disorders. 33. 10.1521/pedi_2017_31_327.

Watts, Ashley & Donahue, Keara & Lilienfeld, Scott & Latzman, Robert. (2017). Gender moderates psychopathic traits’ relations with self-reported childhood maltreatment. Personality and Individual Differences. 119. 175-180. 10.1016/j.paid.2017.07.011.

Marsh, Jessecae & De Los Reyes, Andres & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Leveraging the Multiple Lenses of Psychological Science to Inform Clinical Decision-Making: Introduction to the Special Section. Clinical Psychological Science. 5. 10.1177/2167702617736853.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Miller, Joshua & Lynam, Donald. (2017). The Goldwater Rule: Perspectives From, and Implications for, Psychological Science. 10.31234/

Patton, Christina & Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Psychopathy and Heroism in First Responders: Traits Cut From the Same Cloth?. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9. 10.1037/per0000261.

Schmaltz, Rodney & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Corrigendum: Hauntings, homeopathy, and the Hopkinsville Goblins: using pseudoscience to teach scientific thinking. Frontiers in Psychology. 8. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01982.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Costello, Thomas. (2017). From crisis to salvation.. PsycCRITIQUES. 62. 10.1037/a0041020.

Watts, Ashley & Waldman, Irwin & Smith, Sarah & Poore, Holly & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). The nature and correlates of the dark triad: The answers depend on the questions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126. 951-968. 10.1037/abn0000296.

Thomaes, Sander & Brummelman, Eddie & Miller, Joshua & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). The Dark Personality and Psychopathology: Toward a Brighter Future. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 126. 835-842. 10.1037/abn0000305.

Brinke, Leanne & Porter, Stephen & Korva, Natasha & Fowler, Katherine & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher. (2017). An Examination of the Communication Styles Associated with Psychopathy and Their Influence on Observer Impressions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 41. 10.1007/s10919-017-0252-5.

Verschuere, Bruno & van Ghesel Grothe, Anna S. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Edens, John & Skeem, Jennifer & waldorp, & Noordhof, Arjen. (2017). What Features of Psychopathy Might Be Central? A Network Analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) in Three Large Samples. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 127. 10.1037/abn0000315.

Tackett, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Johnson, Sheri & Krueger, Robert & Miller, Joshua & Oltmanns, Thomas & Shrout, Patrick. (2017). It’s Time to Broaden the Replicability Conversation: Thoughts for and From Clinical Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 12. 742-756. 10.1177/1745691617690042.

Verschuere, Bruno & van Ghesel Grothe, Anna S. & Waldorp, Lourens & Watts, Ashley & lilienfeld, scott & Edens, John & Skeem, Jennifer & Noordhof, Arjen. (2017). What Features of Psychopathy Might be Central? A Network Analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) in Three Large Samples. 10.31219/

Bensley, D. & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Psychological Misconceptions: Recent Scientific Advances and Unresolved Issues. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 26. 377-382. 10.1177/0963721417699026.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Pydych, Ava & Lynn, Steven & Latzman, Robert & Waldman, Irwin. (2017). 50 Differences That Make a Difference: A Compendium of Frequently Confused Term Pairs in Psychology. Frontiers in Education. 2. 10.3389/feduc.2017.00037.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Psychology’s Replication Crisis and the Grant Culture: Righting the Ship. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 12. 660-664. 10.1177/1745691616687745.

Marshall, Julia & Watts, Ashley & Frankel, Erica & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). An examination of psychopathy’s relationship with two indices of moral judgment. Personality and Individual Differences. 113. 240-245. 10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.034.

Schmaltz, Rodney & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Editorial: Novel Approaches to Teaching Scientific Thinking: Psychological Perspectives. Frontiers in Psychology. 8. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00820.

Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott & Sellbom, Martin. (2017). The Role of Boldness in Psychopathy: A Study of Academic and Clinical Perceptions. Personality disorders. 8. 10.1037/per0000247.

Satel, Sally & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). If Addiction is not Best Conceptualized a Brain Disease, then What Kind of Disease is it?. Neuroethics. 10. 10.1007/s12152-016-9287-2.

Marshall, Julia & Watts, Ashley & Frankel, Erika & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Do Psychopathic Individuals Possess a Misaligned Moral Compass? A Meta-Analytic Examination of Psychopathy’s Relations With Moral Judgment. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 9. 10.1037/per0000226.

Maxwell, Reed & Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Failures to Imagine: Mental Imagery in Psychopathy and Emotional Regulation Difficulties. Consciousness and Cognition. 36. 10.1177/0276236616679963.

Marshall, Julia & Lilienfeld, Scott & Mayberg, Helen & Clark, Steven. (2017). The role of neurological and psychological explanations in legal judgments of psychopathic wrongdoers. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology. 28. 1-25. 10.1080/14789949.2017.1291706.

Pogue-Geile, Michael & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Irving I. Gottesman, PhD (1930–2016): In Memoriam: Introduction to the Special Section. Clinical Psychological Science. 5. 216770261769148. 10.1177/2167702617691489.

Watts, Ashley & Bowes, Shauna & Latzman, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Psychopathic traits predict harsh attitudes toward rape victims among undergraduates. Personality and Individual Differences. 106. 1-5. 10.1016/j.paid.2016.10.022.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Through a Glass, Darkly: Microaggressions and Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 12. 178-180. 10.1177/1745691616669098.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Smith, Sarah & Watts, Ashley. (2017). The perils of unifactorial models of the etiology of mental disorders – The Response Modulation Hypothesis of psychopathy as a case example: Rejoinder to Newman and Baskin-Sommers (2016).. Psychological Bulletin. 142. 10.1037/bul0000080.

Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Histrionic Personality Disorder. 10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.06447-6.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2017). Microaggressions: Strong Claims, Inadequate Evidence. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 12. 138-169. 10.1177/1745691616659391.

Heyman, Gene & Lilienfeld, Scott & Morse, Stephen & Satel, Sally. (2017). Brief of Amici Curiae of 11 Addiction Experts in Support of Appellee. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3047859.

Lilienfeld, S.O. & Smith, S.F. & Watts, Ashley. (2016). Diagnosis and Classification. 10.1016/B978-0-12-397045-9.00085-9.

Lynn, Steven & Merckelbach, Harald & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Condon, Liam & van Heugten, Dalena & Giesbrecht, Timo. (2016). Dissociative Disorders. Encyclopedia of Mental Health. 10.1016/B978-0-12-397045-9.00086-0.

Tackett, Jennifer & lilienfeld, scott & Patrick, Christopher & Johnson, Sheri & Krueger, Robert & Miller, Josh & Oltmanns, Thomas & Shrout, Patrick. (2016). Clinical Science and the Replicability Crisis. 10.31234/

Lilienfeld, Scott & Sauvigné, Katheryn & Reber, Justin & Watts, Ashley & Hamann, Stephan & Smith, Sarah & Patrick, Christopher & Bowes, Shauna & Tranel, Daniel. (2016). Potential effects of severe bilateral amygdala damage on psychopathic personality features: A case report. Personality disorders. 9. 10.1037/per0000230.

Schwartz, Seth & Lilienfeld, Scott & Meca, Alan & Sauvigné, Katheryn. (2016). Psychology and neuroscience: How close are we to an integrative perspective? Reply to Staats (2016) and Tryon (2016). American Psychologist. 71. 898-899. 10.1037/amp0000119.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). Clinical Psychological Science: Then and Now. Clinical Psychological Science. 5. 10.1177/2167702616673363.

Merckelbach, Harald & Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, S.. (2016). Vissia and co‐workers claim that DID is trauma‐based. But how strong is their evidence?. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 134. 10.1111/acps.12642.

Blease, C. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Kelley, John. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice and Psychological Treatments: The Imperatives of Informed Consent. Frontiers in Psychology. 7. 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01170.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Lynn, Steven. (2016). Youll Never Guess Who Wrote That: 78 Surprising Authors of Psychological Publications:. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 11. 419-441. 10.1177/1745691616638097.

Sörman, Karolina & Nilsonne, Gustav & Howner, Katarina & Tamm, Sandra & Caman, Shilan & Wang, Hui-Xin & Ingvar, Martin & Edens, John & Gustavsson, Petter & Lilienfeld, Scott & Petrovic, Predrag & Fischer, Håkan & Kristiansson, Marianne. (2016). Reliability and Construct Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised in a Swedish Non-Criminal Sample – A Multimethod Approach including Psychophysiological Correlates of Empathy for Pain. PLOS ONE. 11. e0156570. 10.1371/journal.pone.0156570.

Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). On the Failure of Psychology to Advance Self-Help: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a Case Example. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 46. 10.1007/s10879-015-9319-y.

White, Bradley & Olver, Mark & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). Psychopathy: Its Relevance, Nature, Assessment, and Treatment. the Behavior Therapist. 39. 154-161.

Watts, Ashley & Salekin, Randall & Harrison, Natalie & Clark, Abby & Waldman, Irwin & Vitacco, Michael & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). Psychopathy: Relations with three conceptions of intelligence. Personality disorders. 7. 10.1037/per0000183.

Marcus, David & Sawaqdeh, Abere & OConnell, D. & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). Identifying Careless Responding With the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised Validity Scales. Assessment. 25. 10.1177/1073191116641507.

Gatner, Dylan & Blanchard, Adam & Douglas, Kevin & Lilienfeld, Scott & Edens, John. (2016). Psychopathy in a Multiethnic World: Investigating Multiple Measures of Psychopathy in Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian Offenders. Assessment. 25. 10.1177/1073191116639374.

Maestripieri, Dario & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). Using the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) in human and nonhuman primate research. Psychophysiology. 53. 367-371. 10.1111/psyp.12552.

Murphy, Brett & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Edens, John. (2016). Are Fearless Dominance Traits Superfluous in Operationalizing Psychopathy? Incremental Validity and Sex Differences. Psychological assessment. 28. 10.1037/pas0000288.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Treadway, Michael. (2016). Clashing Diagnostic Approaches: DSM-ICD versus RDoC. Annual review of clinical psychology. 12. 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093122.

Robinson, Brittany & Azores-Gococo, Nicole & Brennan, Patricia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2016). The Roles of Maternal Psychopathic Traits, Maternal Antisocial Personality Traits, and Parenting in the Development of Child Psychopathic Traits. Parenting. 16. 36-55. 10.1080/15295192.2016.1116894.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley. (2016). Still an essential field guide to clear thinking in psychology.. PsycCRITIQUES. 61. 10.1037/a0040403.

Bensley, D. & Rainey, Crystal & Lilienfeld, Scott & Kuehne, Stephanie. (2015). What Do Psychology Students Know About What They Know in Psychology?. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. 1. 10.1037/stl0000035.

Wang, Shensheng & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rochat, Phililppe. (2015). The Uncanny Valley: Existence and Explanations. Review of General Psychology. 19. 393-407. 10.1037/gpr0000056.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Introduction to Special Section on Pseudoscience in Psychiatry. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie. 60. 531-533. 10.1177/070674371506001202.

Lynn, Steven & Evans, James & Laurence, J.-R & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). What Do People Believe About Memory? Implications for the Science and Pseudoscience of Clinical Practice. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie. 60. 541-547. 10.1177/070674371506001204.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Smith, Sarah & Sauvigné, Katheryn & Patrick, Christopher & Drislane, Laura & Latzman, Robert & Krueger, Robert. (2015). Is Boldness Relevant to Psychopathic Personality? Meta-Analytic Relations With Non-Psychopathy Checklist-Based Measures of Psychopathy. Psychological assessment. 28. 10.1037/pas0000244.

Latzman, Robert & Megreya, Ahmed & Hecht, Lisa & Miller, Joshua & Winiarski, Dominika & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Erratum to: self-reported psychopathy in the Middle East: a cross-national comparison across Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. BMC Psychology. 3. 10.1186/s40359-015-0098-8.

Latzman, Robert & Megreya, Ahmed & Hecht, Lisa & Miller, Joshua & Winiarski, Dominika & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Self-reported psychopathy in the Middle East: A cross-national comparison across Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. BMC Psychology. 3. 10.1186/s40359-015-0095-y.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Schwartz, Seth & Meca, Alan & Sauvigné, Katheryn & Satel, Sally. (2015). Neurocentrism: Implications for psychotherapy practice and research. Behavior Therapist. 38. 173-181.

Bensley, D. & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). What Is a Psychological Misconception? Moving Toward an Empirical Answer. Teaching of Psychology. 42. 10.1177/0098628315603059.

Reidy, Dennis & Kearns, Megan & DeGue, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott & Massetti, Greta & Kiehl, Kent. (2015). Why Psychopathy Matters: Implications for Public Health and Violence Prevention. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 24. 10.1016/j.avb.2015.05.018.

Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). The Response Modulation Hypothesis of Psychopathy: A Meta-Analytic and Narrative Analysis. Psychological bulletin. 141. 10.1037/bul0000024.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Smith, Sarah. (2015). Successful Psychopathy: A Scientific Status Report. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 24. 298-303. 10.1177/0963721415580297.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Sauvigné, Katheryn & Lynn, Steven & Cautin, Robin & Latzman, Robert & Waldman, Irwin. (2015). Fifty Psychological and Psychiatric Terms to Avoid: A List of Inaccurate, Misleading, Misused, Ambiguous, and Logically Confused Words and Phrases. Frontiers in psychology. 6. 1100. 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01100.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Lack of political diversity and the framing of findings in personality and clinical psychology. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 38. 10.1017/S0140525X14001253.

Hecht, Lisa & Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott & Latzman, Robert. (2015). Parsing the Heterogeneity of Psychopathy and Aggression: Differential Associations Across Dimensions and Gender. Personality disorders. 7. 10.1037/per0000128.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Pinto, Melissa. (2015). Risky Tests of Etiological Models in Psychopathology Research: The Need for Meta-Methodology. Psychological Inquiry. 26. 253-258. 10.1080/1047840X.2015.1039920.

Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott & Edens, John & Douglas, Kevin & Skeem, Jennifer & Verschuere, Bruno & Lopilato, Alexander. (2015). Does response distortion statistically affect the relations between self-report psychopathy measures and external criteria?. Psychological assessment. 28. 10.1037/pas0000168.

Schwartz, Seth & Lilienfeld, Scott & Meca, Alan & Sauvigné, Katheryn. (2015). The Role of Neuroscience Within Psychology: A Call for Inclusiveness Over Exclusiveness. American Psychologist. 71. 10.1037/a0039678.

Latzman, Robert & Malikina, Mariya & Hecht, Lisa & Lilienfeld, Scott & Chan, Wing. (2015). The Contribution of Personality and Refugee Camp Experience to Callous and Unemotional Traits Among Immigrant Adolescents in the United States: Implications for the DSM-5 “Limited Prosocial Emotions” Specifier. Child psychiatry and human development. 47. 10.1007/s10578-015-0558-7.

Berg, Joanna & Hecht, Lisa & Latzman, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Examining the Correlates of the Coldheartedness Factor of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised. Psychological assessment. 27. 10.1037/pas0000129.

Lynn, Steven & Green, Joseph & Kirsch, Irving & Capafons, Antonio & Lilienfeld, Scott & Laurence, J.-R & Montgomery, Guy. (2015). Grounding Hypnosis in Science: The “New” APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis as a Step Backward. The American journal of clinical hypnosis. 57. 390-401. 10.1080/00029157.2015.1011472.

Berg, Joanna & Latzman, Robert & Bliwise, Nancy & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Parsing the Heterogeneity of Impulsivity: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Behavioral Implications of the UPPS for Psychopathology. Psychological assessment. 27. 10.1037/pas0000111.

Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2015). Thinking About Data, Research Methods, and Statistical Analyses: Commentary on Sijtsma’s (2014) “Playing with Data”. Psychometrika. 81. 10.1007/s11336-015-9447-z.

Latzman, Robert & Drislane, Laura & Hecht, Lisa & Brislin, Sarah & Patrick, Christopher & Lilienfeld, Scott & Freeman, Hani & Schapiro, Steven & Hopkins, William. (2015). A Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Model of Triarchic Psychopathy Constructs. Clinical Psychological Science. 10.1177/2167702615568989.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Marshall, Julia & Todd, James & Shane, Howard. (2015). The persistence of fad interventions in the face of negative scientific evidence: Facilitated communication for autism as a case example. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. 8. 1-40. 10.1080/17489539.2014.976332.

Wood, James & Garb, Howard & Nezworski, M & Lilienfeld, Scott & Duke, Misty. (2015). A Second Look at the Validity of Widely Used Rorschach Indices: Comment on Mihura, Meyer, Dumitrascu, and Bombel (2013). Psychological bulletin. 141. 236-49. 10.1037/a0036005.

Hunt, Elizabeth & Bornovalova, Marina & Kimonis, Eva & Lilienfeld, Scott & Poythress, Norman. (2015). Psychopathy Factor Interactions and Co-Occurring Psychopathology: Does Measurement Approach Matter?. Psychological assessment. 27. 10.1037/pas0000055.

Bensley, D. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Powell, Lauren. (2014). A new measure of psychological misconceptions: Relations with academic background, critical thinking, and acceptance of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. Learning and Individual Differences. 36. 10.1016/j.lindif.2014.07.009.

Anestis, Michael & Anestis, Joye & Zawilinski, Laci & Hopkins, Tiffany & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2014). Equine-Related Treatments For Mental Disorders Lack Empirical Support: A Systematic Review of Empirical Investigations. Journal of clinical psychology. 70. 10.1002/jclp.22113.

Eisenbarth, Hedwig & Lilienfeld, Scott & Yarkoni, Tal. (2014). Using a Genetic Algorithm to Abbreviate the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R).. Psychological assessment. 27. 10.1037/pas0000032.

Latzman, Robert & Vaidya, Jatin & Malikina, Mariya & Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2014). Exploring Associations Between Psychopathic Personality and Components of Disinhibition vs. Constraint. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 36. 10.1007/s10862-014-9415-4.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2014). The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC): An analysis of methodological and conceptual challenges. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 62. 10.1016/j.brat.2014.07.019.

Long, Katherine & Felton, Julia & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lejuez, Carl. (2014). The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Relations Between Psychopathy Factors and Impulsive and Premeditated Aggression. Personality disorders. 5. 10.1037/per0000085.

Edens, John & Kelley, Shannon & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Douglas, Kevin. (2014). DSM-5 Antisocial Personality Disorder: Predictive Validity in a Prison Sample. Law and human behavior. 39. 10.1037/lhb0000105.

Patihis, Lawrence & Lilienfeld, Scott & Ho, Lavina & Loftus, Elizabeth. (2014). Unconscious Repressed Memory Is Scientifically Questionable. Psychological science. 25. 10.1177/0956797614547365.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Smith, Sarah & Berg, Joanna & Latzman, Robert. (2014). Psychopathy Deconstructed and Reconstructed: Identifying and Assembling the Personality Building Blocks of Cleckley’s Chimera. Journal of Personality. 83. 10.1111/jopy.12118.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Latzman, Robert & Watts, Ashley & Smith, Sarah & Dutton, Kevin. (2014). Correlates of psychopathic personality traits in everyday life: Results from a large community survey. Frontiers in psychology. 5. 740. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00740.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Ritschel, Lorie & Lynn, Steven & Cautin, Robin & Latzman, Robert. (2014). Why Ineffective Psychotherapies Appear to Work. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 9. 355-387. 10.1177/1745691614535216.

Patihis, L. & Ho, Lavina & Tingen, Ian & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Loftus, Elizabeth. (2014). Erratum to Are the “Memory Wars” Over? A Scientist-Practitioner Gap in Beliefs About Repressed Memory (Psychological Science, (2014), 25, (519-530), 10.1177/0956797613510718). Psychological Science. 25. 10.1177/0956797614538213.

Smith, Sarah & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2014). On the trail of the elusive successful psychopath. Psychologist. 27. 506-510.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Latzman, Robert. (2014). Threat bias, not negativity bias, underpins differences in political ideology. The Behavioral and brain sciences. 37. 318-9. 10.1017/S0140525X1300263X.

Hall, Jason & Drislane, Laura & Patrick, Christopher & Morano, Mario & Lilienfeld, Scott & Poythress, Norman. (2014). Development and Validation of Triarchic Construct Scales From the Psychopathic Personality Inventory. Psychological Assessment. 26. 447-461. 10.1037/a0035665.

Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Merckelbach, Harald & Giesbrecht, Timo & McNally, Richard & Loftus, Elizabeth & Bruck, Maggie & Garry, Maryanne & Malaktaris, Anne. (2014). The Trauma Model of Dissociation: Inconvenient Truths and Stubborn Fictions. Comment on Dalenberg et al. (2012). Psychological bulletin. 140. 896-910. 10.1037/a0035570.

Schmaltz, Rodney & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2014). Hauntings, Homeopathy, and the Hopkinsville Goblins: Using pseudoscience to teach scientific thinking. Frontiers in Psychology. 5. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00336.

Patihis, Lawrence & Ho, Lavina & Tingen, Ian & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth. (2014). Are the “Memory Wars” Over? A Scientist-Practitioner Gap in Beliefs About Repressed Memory. Psychological Science. 25. 10.1177/0956797613510718.

Andrews-McClymont, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott & Duke, Marshall. (2013). Evaluating an Animal Model of Compulsive Hoarding in Humans. Review of General Psychology. 17. 399. 10.1037/a0032261.

Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott & Smith, Sarah & Miller, Joshua & Campbell, W. Keith & Waldman, Irwin & Rubenzer, Steven & Faschingbauer, Thomas. (2013). The Double-Edged Sword of Grandiose Narcissism: Implications for Successful and Unsuccessful Leadership Among U.S. Presidents. Psychological science. 24. 10.1177/0956797613491970.

Harkness, Allan & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Science Should Drive the Bus of Clinical Description; But How Does “Science Take the Wheel”?: A Commentary on Markon. Journal of personality disorders. 27. 580-9. 10.1521/pedi.2013.27.5.580.

Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin. (2013). Bargaining with the devil: Using economic decision-making tasks to examine the heterogeneity of psychopathic traits. Journal of Research in Personality. 47. 472–482. 10.1016/j.jrp.2013.04.003.

Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott & Coffey, Karly & Dabbs, James. (2013). Are Psychopaths and Heroes Twigs Off the Same Branch? Evidence from College, Community, and Presidential Samples. Journal of Research in Personality. 47. 634–646. 10.1016/j.jrp.2013.05.006.

Harkness, Allan & Miles, Shannon & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). A Review of Systems for Psychology and Psychiatry: Adaptive Systems, Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5), and the DSM-5. Journal of personality assessment. 96. 10.1080/00223891.2013.823438.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Ritschel, Lorie & Lynn, Steven & Brown, Amanda & Cautin, Robin & Latzman, Robert. (2013). The researchpractice Gap: Bridging the schism between eating disorder researchers and practitioners. The International journal of eating disorders. 46. 386-94. 10.1002/eat.22090.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Thames, April & Watts, Ashley. (2013). Symptom Validity Testing: Unresolved Questions, Future Directions. Journal of clinical and experimental psychopathology & quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology. 4. 78-87. 10.5127/jep.028312.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Ritschel, Lorie & Lynn, Steven & Cautin, Robin & Latzman, Robert. (2013). Why many clinical psychologists are resistant to evidence-based practice: Root causes and constructive remedies. Clinical psychology review. 33. 10.1016/j.cpr.2012.09.008.

Cox, Jennifer & Edens, John & Magyar, Melissa & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Jr, Norman. (2013). Using the Psychopathic Personality Inventory to identify subtypes of antisocial personality disorder. Journal of Criminal Justice. 41. 125–134. 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2012.12.001.

Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Psychopathy in the workplace: The knowns and unknowns. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18. 204–218. 10.1016/j.avb.2012.11.007.

Berg, Joanna & Smith, Sarah & Watts, Ashley & Ammirati, Rachel & Edukere, Sophia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Misconceptions regarding psychopathic personality: Implications for clinical practice and research. Neuropsychiatry. 3. 63-74. 10.2217/npy.12.69.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Is Psychopathy a Syndrome? Commentary on Marcus, Fulton, and Edens. Personality disorders. 4. 85-6. 10.1037/a0027544.

Berg, Joanna & Lilienfeld, Scott & Reddy, Sheethal & Latzman, Robert & Roose, Annelore & Craighead, Linda & Pace, Thaddeus & Raison, Charles. (2013). The Inventory of Callous and Unemotional Traits: A Construct-Validational Analysis in an At-Risk Sample. Assessment. 20. 10.1177/1073191112474338.

Camp, Jacqueline & Skeem, Jennifer & Barchard, Kimberly & Lilienfeld, Scott & Poythress, Norman. (2013). Psychopathic Predators? Getting Specific About the Relation Between Psychopathy and Violence. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 81. 10.1037/a0031349.

Lilienfeld, S.O. & Smith, S.F. & Watts, Ashley. (2013). Issues in diagnosis: Conceptual issues and controversies. Psychopathology: History, diagnosis, and empirical foundations. 1-35.

Satel, Sally & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Addiction and the Brain-Disease Fallacy. Frontiers in psychiatry. 4. 141. 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00141.

Roose, Annelore & Bijttebier, Patricia & Oord, Saskia & Claes, Laurence & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2013). Psychopathic Traits in Youth and Associations with Temperamental Features Results from a Performance-Based Measure. Journal of Individual Differences. 34. 10.1027/1614-0001/a000090.

Ray, James & Hall, J. & Poythress, N. & Rivera-Hudson, N. & Lilienfeld, S. & Morano, M.. (2013). Investigating the neural correlates of psychopathy: A critical review. Molecular Psychiatry. 16. 792-799.

Tonnaer, Franca & Cima, Maaike & Sijtsma, Klaas & Uzieblo, Kasia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). Screening for Psychopathy: Validation of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Short Form with Reference Scores. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 35. 10.1007/s10862-012-9333-2.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Watts, Ashley & Smith, Sarah. (2012). The DSM Revision as a Social Psychological Process: A Commentary on Blashfield and Reynolds. Journal of personality disorders. 26. 830-4. 10.1521/pedi.2012.26.6.830.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). Further sources of our field’s embattled public reputation. The American psychologist. 67. 808-9. 10.1037/a0031015.

Claes, Laurence & Tavernier, Geert & Roose, Annelore & Bijttebier, Patricia & Smith, Sarah & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). Identifying Personality Subtypes Based on the Five-Factor Model Dimensions in Male Prisoners: Implications for Psychopathy and Criminal Offending. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology. 58. 10.1177/0306624X12462013.

Murray, Ashley & Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). Psychopathic personality traits and cognitive dissonance: Individual differences in attitude change. Journal of Research in Personality. 46. 525–536. 10.1016/j.jrp.2012.05.011.

Latzman, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott & Latzman, Natasha & Clark, Lee. (2012). Exploring Callous and Unemotional Traits in Youth via General Personality Traits: An Eye Toward DSM-5. Personality disorders. 4. 10.1037/a0000001.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin & Landfield, Kristin & Watts, Ashley & Rubenzer, Steven & Faschingbauer, Thomas. (2012). Fearless Dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership. Journal of personality and social psychology. 103. 489-505. 10.1037/a0029392.

Lohr, Jeffrey & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rosen, Gerald. (2012). Anxiety and its treatment: Promoting science-based practice. Journal of anxiety disorders. 26. 719-27. 10.1016/j.janxdis.2012.06.007.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Benning, Stephen & Berg, Joanna & Sellbom, Martin & Edens, John. (2012). The Role of Fearless Dominance in Psychopathy: Confusions, Controversies, and Clarifications. Personality disorders. 3. 327-40. 10.1037/a0026987.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). Scientific Utopia or Scientific Dystopia?. Psychological Inquiry – PSYCHOL INQ. 23. 277-280. 10.1080/1047840X.2012.704807.

Kastner, Rebecca & Sellbom, Martin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). A Comparison of the Psychometric Properties of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Full-Length and Short-Form Versions. Psychological assessment. 24. 261-7. 10.1037/a0025832.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Ammirati, Rachel & David, Michal. (2012). Distinguishing science from pseudoscience in school psychology: Science and scientific thinking as safeguards against human error. Journal of school psychology. 50. 7-36. 10.1016/j.jsp.2011.09.006.

Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Merckelbach, Harald & Giesbrecht, Timo & van Heugten, Dalena. (2012). Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders: Challenging Conventional Wisdom. Current Directions in Psychological Science – CURR DIRECTIONS PSYCHOL SCI. 21. 48-53. 10.1177/0963721411429457.

Ray, James & Hall, Jason & Rivera-Hudson, Nicole & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Morano, Mario. (2012). The Relation Between Self-Reported Psychopathic Traits and Distorted Response Styles: A Meta-Analytic Review. Personality disorders. 4. 10.1037/a0026482.

Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott & Orr, Scott. (2012). Searching for PTSD’s Biological Signature. Clinician’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 97-116. 10.1002/9781118269961.ch5.

Rosen, Gerald & Frueh, B. & Lilienfeld, Scott & McHugh, Paul & Spitzer, Robert. (2012). Afterword: PTSD’s Future in the DSM: Implications for Clinical Practice. Clinician’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 263-276. 10.1002/9781118269961.after.

Nikolova, Natalia & Hendry, Melissa & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2012). The Inconsistency of Inconsistency Scales: A Comparison of Two Widely Used Measures. Behavioral sciences & the law. 30. 16-27. 10.1002/bsl.1996.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Berg, Joanna. (2012). A psychological urban legend with disastrous consequences.. PsycCRITIQUES. 57. 10.1037/a0028043.

Skeem, Jennifer & Polaschek, Devon & Patrick, Christopher & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Psychopathic Personality: Bridging the Gap Between Scientific Evidence and Public Policy. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 12. 95-162. 10.1177/1529100611426706.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Garb, Howard & Wood, James. (2011). Unresolved Questions Concerning the Effectiveness of Psychological Assessment as a Therapeutic Intervention: Comment on Poston and Hanson (2010). Psychological assessment. 23. 1047-55; discussion 1056. 10.1037/a0025177.

Reidy, Dennis & Shelley-Tremblay, John & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Psychopathy, reactive aggression, and precarious proclamations: A review of behavioral, cognitive, and biological research. Aggression and Violent Behavior – AGGRESS VIOLENT BEHAVIOR. 16. 512-524. 10.1016/j.avb.2011.06.002.

Dong, Lu & Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Three psychopathic trait dimensions are differentially associated with reactive and proactive aggression in youth. 902-902.

Blagov, Pavel & Patrick, Christopher & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lott, Abigail & Phifer, Justine & Venables, Noah & Hudak, Marissa & Herres, Daniel & Lieb, Kate & Leigh, Sophia & Cooper, Gabrielle. (2011). Personality Constellations in Incarcerated Psychopathic Men. Personality disorders. 2. 293-315. 10.1037/a0023908.

Magyar, Melissa & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer. (2011). Using the Personality Assessment Inventory to Predict Male Offenders’ Conduct During and Progression Through Substance Abuse Treatment. Psychological assessment. 24. 216-25. 10.1037/a0025359.

Dunlop, Boadie & DeFife, Jared & Marx, Lauren & Garlow, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). The Effects of Sertraline on Psychopathic Traits. International clinical psychopharmacology. 26. 329-37. 10.1097/YIC.0b013e32834b80df.

Sylvers, Patrick & Brennan, Patricia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Psychopathic Traits and Preattentive Threat Processing in Children: A Novel Test of the Fearlessness Hypothesis. Psychological science. 22. 1280-7. 10.1177/0956797611420730.

Ruiz, Mark & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John & Nikolova, Natalia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Problems in Offenders: Implications for Risk Assessment. Psychological assessment. 24. 77-87. 10.1037/a0024623.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Public Skepticism of Psychology Why Many People Perceive the Study of Human Behavior as Unscientific. The American psychologist. 67. 111-29. 10.1037/a0023963.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Distinguishing Scientific From Pseudoscientific Psychotherapies: Evaluating the Role of Theoretical Plausibility, With a Little Help From Reverend Bayes. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 18. 105 – 112. 10.1111/j.1468-2850.2011.01241.x.

Merckelbach, Harald & Merten, Thomas & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). A skeptical look at a remarkable case report of ’overnight’ amnesia. Extraordinary symptoms, weak evidence, and a breakdown in peer review.. The Skeptical Inquirer. 35. 35-39.

Magyar, Melissa & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Jr, Norman. (2011). Examining the relationship among substance abuse, negative emotionality and impulsivity across subtypes of antisocial and psychopathic substance abusers. Journal of Criminal Justice. 39. 232-237. 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2011.02.013.

Sylvers, Patrick & Landfield, Kristin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Heavy Episodic Drinking in College Students: Associations With Features of Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Journal of American college health : J of ACH. 59. 367-72. 10.1080/07448481.2010.511363.

Roose, Annelore & Bijttebier, Patricia & Claes, Laurence & Lilienfeld, Scott & De Fruyt, Filip & Decuyper, Mieke. (2011). Psychopathic Traits in Adolescence and the Five Factor Model of Personality. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 34. 84-93. 10.1007/s10862-011-9243-8.

Anestis, Michael & Anestis, Joye & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). When It Comes to Evaluating Psychodynamic Therapy, the Devil Is in the Details. The American psychologist. 66. 149-51; discussion 152. 10.1037/a0021190.

Sylvers, Patrick & Lilienfeld, Scott & LaPrairie, Jamie. (2011). Differences between Trait Fear and Trait Anxiety: Implications for Psychopathology. Clinical psychology review. 31. 122-37. 10.1016/j.cpr.2010.08.004.

Roose, Annelore & Bijttebier, Patricia & Claes, Laurence & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2011). Psychopathic traits in adolescence: Associations with the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory systems. Personality and Individual Differences. 50. 201-205. 10.1016/j.paid.2010.09.028.

Marino, Lori & Malamud, Randy & Broglio, Ron & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nobis, Nathan. (2011). Strong Claims, Feeble Evidence: A Rejoinder to Falk et al. (2010). Society & Animals. 19. 291-293. 10.1163/156853011X578947.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Fudge factor. Did Marc Hauser know what he was doing?. Scientific American. 303. 18. 10.1038/scientificamerican1110-18.

Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott & Frueh, B & McHugh, Paul & Spitzer, Robert. (2010). Reflections on PTSD’s future in DSM-V. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 197. 343-4. 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.079699.

Kimonis, Eva & Skeem, Jennifer & Edens, John & Douglas, Kevin & Lilienfeld, Scott & Poythress, Norman. (2010). Suicidal and Criminal Behavior Among Female Offenders: The Role of Abuse and Psychopathology. Journal of personality disorders. 24. 581-609. 10.1521/pedi.2010.24.5.581.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Can Psychology Become a Science?. Personality and Individual Differences. 49. 281-288. 10.1016/j.paid.2010.01.024.

Marcus, David & Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Adjudicative Competence: Evidence That Impairment in ” Rational Understanding” Is Taxonic. Psychological assessment. 22. 716-22. 10.1037/a0020131.

Ruiz, Mark & Skeem, Jennifer & Poythress, Norman & Douglas, Kevin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Structure and Correlates of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) in Offenders: Implications for Psychopathy and Externalizing Pathology. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 9. 237-244. 10.1080/14999013.2010.517258.

Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nezworski, M & Garb, Howard & Allen, Keli & Wildermuth, Jessica. (2010). Validity of Rorschach Inkblot Scores for Discriminating Psychopaths From Nonpsychopaths in Forensic Populations: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological assessment. 22. 336-49. 10.1037/a0018998.

Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Skeem, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Frick, Paul & Patrick, Christopher & Epstein, Monica & Wang, Tao. (2010). Identifying Subtypes Among Offenders With Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Cluster-Analytic Study. Journal of abnormal psychology. 119. 389-400. 10.1037/a0018611.

Sylvers, Patrick & Brennan, Patricia & Lilienfeld, Scott & Alden, S. (2010). Gender Differences in Autonomic Indicators of Antisocial Personality Disorder Features. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 1(2), 87. Personality disorders. 1. 87-96. 10.1037/a0018949.

Blonigen, Daniel & Patrick, Christopher & Douglas, Kevin & Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott & Edens, John & Krueger, Robert. (2010). Multimethod Assessment of Psychopathy in Relation to Factors of Internalizing and Externalizing From the Personality Assessment Inventory: The Impact of Method Variance and Suppressor Effects. Psychological assessment. 22. 96-107. 10.1037/a0017240.

Marino, Lori & Lilienfeld, Scott & Malamud, Randy & Nobis, Nathan & Broglio, Ron. (2010). Do Zoos and Aquariums Promote Attitude Change in Visitors? A Critical Evaluation of the American Zoo and Aquarium Study. Society & Animals – SOC ANIM. 18. 10.1163/156853010X491980.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Lynn, Steven & Ruscio, John & Beyerstein, Barry. (2010). Busting Big Myths in Popular Psychology. Scientific American Mind. 21. 42-49. 10.1038/scientificamericanmind0310-42.

Satel, Sally & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Singing the Brain Disease Blues. Ajob Neuroscience. 1. 46-47. 10.1080/21507740903504368.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Confronting Psychological Misconceptions in the Classroom: Challenges and Rewards. Observer. 23.

Lilienfeld, S. & Lynn, Steven & Namy, L.L. & Woolf, Nancy. (2010). A Framework for Everyday Thinking. Psychology. 1. 24-28.

Giesbrecht, Timo & Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Merckelbach, Harald. (2010). Cognitive Processes, Trauma, and Dissociation-Misconceptions and Misrepresentations: Reply to Bremner (2010). Psychological Bulletin. 136. 7-11. 10.1037/a0018068.

Lynn, Steven & Fassler, Oliver & Knox, Joshua & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2010). Dissociation and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Treatment Guidelines and Cautions. 10.1007/978-0-387-28370-8_24.

Malterer, Melanie & Lilienfeld, Scott & Neumann, Craig & Newman, Joseph. (2009). Concurrent Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory With Offender and Community Samples. Assessment. 17. 3-15. 10.1177/1073191109349743.

Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John & Epstein, Monica & Patrick, Christopher. (2009). Using the PCL-R to Help Estimate the Validity of Two Self-Report Measures of Psychopathy With Offenders. Assessment. 17. 206-19. 10.1177/1073191109351715.

Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer & Weir, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John & Kennealy, Partick. (2009). Erratum to “Psychometric properties of Carver and White’s (1994) BIS/BAS scales in a large sample of offenders” [Personality and Individual Differences 45 (2008) 732–737]. Personality and Individual Differences – PERS INDIV DIFFER. 47. 531-531. 10.1016/j.paid.2009.05.003.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Ammirati, Rachel & Landfield, Kristin. (2009). Giving Debiasing Away Can Psychological Research on Correcting Cognitive Errors Promote Human Welfare?. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 4. 10.1111/j.1745-6924.2009.01144.x.

Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John. (2009). Carver and White’s (1994) BIS scale and Lykken’s (1995) primary psychopath: A reply to Newman and Malterer (2009). Personality and Individual Differences. 46. 678-681. 10.1016/j.paid.2009.01.038.

Fowler, Katherine & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher. (2009). Detecting Psychopathy From Thin Slices of Behavior. Psychological assessment. 21. 68-78. 10.1037/a0014938.

Lynn, Steven & Boycheva, E. & Deming, A. & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Hallquist, Michael. (2009). Forensic hypnosis: The state of the science. Psychological science in the courtroom: Controversies and consensus. 80-99.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Lynn, Steven & Ruscio, John & Beyerstein, Barry. (2009). 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Myths and Misconceptions about Human Behavior.

Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer & Weir, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin & Edens, John & Kennealy, Patrick. (2008). Psychometric properties of Carver and White's (1994) BIS/BAS scales in a large sample of offenders. Personality and individual differences. 45. 732-737. 10.1016/j.paid.2008.07.021.

Douglas, Kevin & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Patrick, Christopher. (2008). Relation of antisocial and psychopathic traits to suicide-related behavior among offenders. Law and human behavior. 32. 511-25. 10.1007/s10979-007-9122-8.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Jones, Meredith. (2008). Allegiance Effects in Assessment: Unresolved Questions, Potential Explanations, and Constructive Remedies. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 15. 361 – 365. 10.1111/j.1468-2850.2008.00148.x.

Giesbrecht, Timo & Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Merckelbach, Harald. (2008). Cognitive Processes in Dissociation: An Analysis of Core Theoretical Assumptions. Psychological bulletin. 134. 617-47. 10.1037/0033-2909.134.5.617.

Edens, John & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher. (2008). A Prospective Comparison of Two Measures of Psychopathy in the Prediction of Institutional Misconduct. Behavioral sciences & the law. 26. 529-41. 10.1002/bsl.823.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Landfield, Kristin. (2008). Science and Pseudoscience in Law EnforcementA User-Friendly Primer. Criminal Justice and Behavior – CRIM JUSTICE BEHAV. 35. 1215-1230. 10.1177/0093854808321526.

Sylvers, Patrick & Brubaker, Nicholas & Alden, S. & Brennan, Patricia & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Differential endophenotypic markers of narcissistic and antisocial personality features: A psychophysiological investigation. Journal of Research in Personality. 42. 1260-1270. 10.1016/j.jrp.2008.03.010.

Reidy, Dennis & Zeichner, Amos & Hunnicutt-Ferguson, Kallio & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Psychopathy traits and the processing of emotion words: Results of a lexical decision task. Cognition & Emotion – COGNITION EMOTION. 22. 1174-1186. 10.1080/02699930701745663.

Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Landfield, Kristin & Lilienfeld, Scott & Skeem, Jennifer & Douglas, Kevin. (2008). A Critique of Carver and White’s (1994) Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS) for Investigating Lykken’s (1995) Theory of Primary Psychopathy. Personality and Individual Differences. 45. 269–275. 10.1016/j.paid.2008.04.014.

Spitzer, Robert & Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Revisiting the Institute of Medicine report on the validity of posttraumatic stress disorder. Comprehensive psychiatry. 49. 319-20. 10.1016/j.comppsych.2008.01.006.

Rosen, Gerald & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Empirical Evaluation of Core Assumptions. Clinical psychology review. 28. 837-68. 10.1016/j.cpr.2007.12.002.

Schmeelk, Kelly & Sylvers, Patrick & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Trait Correlates of Relational Aggression in a Nonclinical Sample: DSM-IV Personality Disorders and Psychopathy. Journal of personality disorders. 22. 269-83. 10.1521/pedi.2008.22.3.269.

Bonanno, George & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2008). Let’s Be Realistic: When Grief Counseling Is Effective and When It’s Not. Professional Psychology-research and Practice – PROF PSYCHOL-RES PRACT. 39. 377-378. 10.1037/0735-7028.39.3.377.

Lynn, Steven & Knox, Joshua & Fassler, Oliver & Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth. (2008). Memory, Trauma, and Dissociation. 10.1002/9780470713570.ch9.

Ruiz, Mark & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Douglas, Kevin. (2008). Factor Structure and Correlates of the Dissociative Experiences Scale in a Large Offender Sample. Assessment. 15. 511-21. 10.1177/1073191108315548.

Edens, John & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Test, Amy. (2008). Further Evidence of the Divergent Correlates of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Factors: Prediction of Institutional Misconduct Among Male Prisoners. Psychological assessment. 20. 86-91. 10.1037/1040-3590.20.1.86.

Marcus, David & Ruscio, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Hughes, Kathleen. (2008). Converging Evidence for the Latent Structure of Antisocial Personality DisorderConsistency of Taxometric and Latent Class Analyses. Criminal Justice and Behavior – CRIM JUSTICE BEHAV. 35. 284-293. 10.1177/0093854807311679.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). Academic clinical psychology in the 21st Century: Challenging the sacred cows. Applied & Preventive Psychology – APPL PREV PSYCHOL. 12. 1-2. 10.1016/j.appsy.2007.07.015.

Stuart, Richard & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). The Evidence Missing From Evidence-Based Practice. The American psychologist. 62. 615-6. 10.1037/0003-066X62.6.615.

Marino, Lori & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: More Flawed Data and More Flawed Conclusions. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals. 20. 239-249. 10.2752/089279307X224782.

Rilling, James & Glenn, Andrea & Jairam, Meeta & Pagnoni, Giuseppe & Goldsmith, David & Elfenbein, Hanie & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). Neural Correlates of Social Cooperation and Non-Cooperation as a Function of Psychopathy. Biological psychiatry. 61. 1260-71. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.07.021.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). Cognitive Neuroscience and Depression: Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Reductionism and Five Challenges. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 31. 263-272. 10.1007/s10608-007-9127-0.

Erickson, Steve & Lilienfeld, Scott & Vitacco, Michael. (2007). A Critical Examination of Suitability and Limitations of Psychological Tests in Family Court. Family & Children’s Law eJournal. 45. 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2007.00136.x.

Fowler, Katherine & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). The Psychopathy Q-Sort Construct Validity Evidence in a Nonclinical Sample. Assessment. 14. 75-9. 10.1177/1073191106290792.

Erickson, Steve & Lilienfeld, Scott & Vitacco, Michael. (2007). Failing the burden of proof: The science and ethics of projective tests in custody evaluations. Family Court Review. 45. 185 – 192. 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2007.00138.x.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2007). Psychological Treatments That Cause Harm. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 2. 10.1111/j.1745-6916.2007.00029.x.

o’Donohue, William & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Fowler, Katherine. (2007). Science is an essential safeguard against human error. The great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health professional should understand. 3-27.

Zolondek, Stacey & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Fowler, Katherine. (2007). The Interpersonal Measure of Psychopathy: Construct and Incremental Validity in Male Prisoners. Assessment. 13. 470-82. 10.1177/1073191106289861.

o’Donohue, William & Lilienfeld, S.O.. (2007). The epistemological and ethical dimension of clinical science. Psychological clinical science: Papers in honor of Richard M. McFall. 29-52.

Lilienfeld, S. O. (2006). The heuristic value of controversy in science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(06). doi:10.1017/s0140525x06009253

Marcus, David & Lilienfeld, Scott & Edens, John & Poythress, Norman. (2006). Is antisocial personality disorder continuous or categorical? A taxometric analysis. Psychological medicine. 36. 1571-81. 10.1017/S0033291706008245.

Patrick, Christopher & Edens, John & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott & Benning, Stephen. (2006). Construct Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory Two-Factor Model With Offenders. Psychological assessment. 18. 204-8. 10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.204.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Waller, Niels. (2006). S. O. Lilienfeld and N. G. Waller, “A great pioneer of clinical science remembered: Introduction to the special issue in honor of Paul E. Meehl”. Journal of Clinical Psychology61(10) 2005, 1201–1207. Journal of Clinical Psychology – J CLIN PSYCHOL. 62. 777-777. 10.1002/jclp.20253.

Poythress, Norman & Skeem, Jennifer & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2006). Associations among early abuse, dissociation, and psychopathy in an offender sample. Journal of abnormal psychology. 115. 288-97. 10.1037/0021-843X.115.2.288.

Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2006). Applications of Taxometric Methods to Problems of Comorbidity: Perspectives and Challenges. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 8. 520 – 527. 10.1093/clipsy.8.4.520.

Connelly, Brian & Lilienfeld, Scott & Schmeelk, Kelly. (2006). Integrity Tests and Morality: Associations with Ego Development, Moral Reasoning, and Psychopathic Personality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 14. 82 – 86. 10.1111/j.1468-2389.2006.00335.x.

Edens, John & Marcus, David & Lilienfeld, Scott & Poythress, Norman. (2006). Psychopathic, Not Psychopath: Taxometric Evidence for the Dimensional Structure of Psychopathy.. Journal of abnormal psychology. 115. 131-44. 10.1037/0021-843X.115.1.131.

Cale, Ellison & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2006). Psychopathy Factors and Risk for Aggressive Behavior: A Test of the “Threatened Egotism” Hypothesis.. Law and human behavior. 30. 51-74. 10.1007/s10979-006-9004-5.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin & Israel, Allen. (2006). A Critical Examination of the Use of the Term and Concept of Comorbidity in Psychopathology Research. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 1. 71 – 83. 10.1111/j.1468-2850.1994.tb00007.x.

Lynn, Steven & Kirsch, Irving & Knox, Joshua & Fassler, O. & Lilienfeld, S.O.. (2006). Hypnosis and neuroscience: Implications for the altered state debate. 145-165.

Lilienfeld, S.O. & Fowler, Katherine. (2006). The self-report assessment of psychopathy: problems, pitfalls, and promises. Handbook of psychopathy. 107-132.

Marino, Lori & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2006). DOLPHIN-ASSISTED THERAPY A DISCUSSION PAPER.

Lilienfeld, S.O. & Wood, James & Garb, H.N.. (2006). Why questionable psychological tests remain popular. Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. 10. 6-15.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Spitzer, Robert & Miller, Michael. (2005). A Response to a Nonresponse to Criticisms of a Nonstudy: One Humorous and One Serious Rejoinder to Slater. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 193. 745-6. 10.1097/01.nmd.0000185884.74792.6d.

Spitzer, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott & Miller, Michael. (2005). Rosenhan revisited: the scientific credibility of Lauren Slater’s pseudopatient diagnosis study. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 193. 734-9.

Sellbom, Martin & Ben-Porath, Yossef & Lilienfeld, Scott & Patrick, Christopher & Graham, John. (2005). Assessing Psychopathic Personality Traits With the MMPI–2. Journal of personality assessment. 85. 334-43. 10.1207/s15327752jpa8503_10.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2005). Longitudinal Studies of Personality Disorders: Four Lessons from Personality Psychology. Journal of personality disorders. 19. 547-56; discussion 594. 10.1521/pedi.2005.19.5.547.

Spitzer, Robert & Lilienfeld, Scott & Miller, Michael. (2005). Rosenhan Revisited: The Scientific Credibility of Lauren Slater??s Pseudopatient Diagnosis Study1. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease – J NERV MENT DIS. 193. 734-739. 10.1097/01.nmd.0000185992.16053.5c.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Waller, Niels. (2005). A great pioneer of clinical science remembered: Introduction to the special issue in honor of Paul E. Meehl. Journal of clinical psychology. 61. 1201-7. 10.1002/jclp.20176.

Waller, Niels & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2005). Paul Everett Meehl: The cumulative record. Journal of clinical psychology. 61. 1209-29. 10.1002/jclp.20177.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2005). Scientifically Unsupported and Supported Interventions for Childhood Psychopathology: A Summary. Pediatrics. 115. 761-4. 10.1542/peds.2004-1713.

Garb, Howard & Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nezworski, M. (2005). Roots of the Rorschach controversy. Clinical psychology review. 25. 97-118. 10.1016/j.cpr.2004.09.002.

Olatunji, Bunmi & Sawchuk, Craig & Deacon, Brett & Tolin, David & Lilienfeld, Scott & Williams, Nathan & Meunier, Suzanne & Lohr, Jeffrey & Connolly, Kevin. (2005). The Anxiety Sensitivity Profile revisited: Factor structure and psychometric properties in two nonclinical samples. Journal of anxiety disorders. 19. 603-25. 10.1016/j.janxdis.2004.08.005.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2004). Defining psychology: Is it worth the trouble?. Journal of clinical psychology. 60. 1249-53. 10.1002/jclp.20067.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2004). Taking theoretical risks in a world of directional predictions. Applied and Preventive Psychology. 11. 47–51. 10.1016/j.appsy.2004.02.008.

Emery, Courtney & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2004). The Validity of Childhood Sexual Abuse Checklists in the Popular Psychology Literature: A Barnum Effect?. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 35. 268-274. 10.1037/0735-7028.35.3.268.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Waldman, Irwin. (2004). Comorbidity and Chairman Mao. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). 3. 26-7.

Skeem, Jennifer & Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott & Cale, Ellison. (2003). Psychopathic personality or personalities? Exploring potential variants of psychopathy and their implications for risk assessment. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 8. 513-546. 10.1016/S1359-1789(02)00098-8.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2003). Comorbidity Between and Within Childhood Externalizing and Internalizing Disorders: Reflections and Directions. Journal of abnormal child psychology. 31. 285-91. 10.1023/A:1023229529866.

Lilienfeld, S.O. & Lynn, Steven & Lohr, J.M.. (2003). Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology: Initial thoughts, reflections, and considerations. Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology. 1-14.

Lynn, Steven & Lock, Timothy & Loftus, Elizabeth & Krackow, Elisa & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2003). Memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy: Problems and pitfalls. Skeptical Inquirer. 27. 40-46.

Wood, James & Nezworski, M. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Garb, Howard. (2003). What’s wrong with the Rorschach? Science confronts the controversial Inkblot Test. American Journal of Psychiatry – AMER J PSYCHIAT. 161.

Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2003). A new model for treating dissociative identity disorder: Recipe for improvement of iatrogenesis?. Psyccritiques. 48. 832-834. 10.1037/000990.

Wood, James & Nezworski, M. & Lilienfeld, Scott & Garb, Howard. (2003). The Rorschach Inkblot Test, Fortune Tellers, and Cold Reading. Skeptical Inquirer. 27.

Cale, Ellison & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). Sex differences in psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder: A review and integration. Clinical psychology review. 22. 1179-207. 10.1016/S0272-7358(01)00125-8.

Tone, Erin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). The dark side of Absorption: Empirical associations between an experiential response style and hypochondriacal concerns. Journal of Research in Personality – J RES PERSONAL. 36. 573-579. 10.1016/S0092-6566(02)00507-X.

Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). A critique of the Franklin Commission Report: hypnosis, belief, and suggestion.. The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis. 50. 369-86. 10.1080/00207140208410111.

Garb, Howard & Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nezworski, M.. (2002). Effective Use of Projective Techniques in Clinical Practice: Let the Data Help With Selection and Interpretation. Professional Psychology-research and Practice – PROF PSYCHOL-RES PRACT. 33. 10.1037//0735-7028.33.5.454.

Grove, William & Barden, Robert Christopher & Garb, Howard & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). Failure of Rorschach-Comprehensive-System-based testimony to be admissible under the Daubert-Joiner-Kumho standard. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 8. 216-234. 10.1037/1076-8971.8.2.216.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). A funny thing happened on the way to my American Psychologist publication. The American psychologist. 57. 225-7. 10.1037/0003-066X.57.3.225.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). When worlds collide. Social science, politics, and the Rind et al. (1998). Child sexual abuse meta-analysis. The American psychologist. 57. 176-88. 10.1037//0003-066X.57.3.176.

Cale, Ellison & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2002). Histrionic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder: Sex-Differentiated Manifestations of Psychopathy?. Journal of personality disorders. 16. 52-72. 10.1521/pedi.

Wood, James & Garb, Howard & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nezworski, M. (2002). Clinical Assessment*. Annual review of psychology. 53. 519-43. 10.1146/annurev.psych.53.100901.135136.

Lilienfeld, S & Wood, J & Garb, H. (2002). The Rorschach Inkblot Test: a debate. The Rorschach Test is scientifically questionable. The Harvard mental health letter / from Harvard Medical School. 18. 5-6.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Penna, Suzanne. (2001). Anxiety sensitivity: Relations to psychopathy, DSM-IV personality disorder features, and personality traits. Journal of anxiety disorders. 15. 367-93. 10.1016/S0887-6185(01)00070-6.

Wood, James & Teresa, M. & Garb, Howard & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2001). Problems With the Norms of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach: Methodological and Conceptual Considerations. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 8. 397 – 402. 10.1093/clipsy.8.3.397.

Wood, James & Teresa, Paso & Garb, Howard & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2001). The Misperception of Psychopathology: Problems With the Norms of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 8. 350 – 373. 10.1093/clipsy.8.3.350.

Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Nezworski, M. & Garb, Howard. (2001). Coming to Grips With Negative Evidence for the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach: A Comment on Gacono, Loving, and Bodholdt; Ganellen; and Bornstein. Journal of personality assessment. 77. 48-70. 10.1207/S15327752JPA7701_04.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Lohr, Jeffrey & Morier, Dean. (2001). The Teaching of Courses in the Science and Pseudoscience of Psychology: Useful Resources. Teaching of Psychology – TEACH PSYCHOL. 28. 182-191. 10.1207/S15328023TOP2803_03.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Wood, James & Garb, Howard. (2001). What’s Wrong with This Picture?. Scientific American. 284. 80-7. 10.1038/scientificamerican0501-80.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Hess, Tanya. (2001). Psychopathic Personality Traits and Somatization: Sex Differences and the Mediating Role of Negative Emotionality. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 23. 10.1023/A:1011035306061.

Herbert, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lohr, Jeffrey & Montgomery, Robert & o’Donohue, William & Rosen, Gerald & Tolin, David. (2000). Science and pseudoscience in the development of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Implications for clinical psychology. Clinical Psychology Review. 20. 945-971. 10.1016/S0272-7358(99)00017-3.

Lilienfeld, SO & Wood, James & Garb, HN. (2000). The Scientific Status of Projective Techniques. Psychological Science. 1. 27-66.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Wood, James & Garb, Howard. (2000). The Scientific Status of Projective Techniques. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 1. 10.1111/1529-1006.002.

Sandoval, Ann-Marie & Hancock, Danyel & Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2000). Construct Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory in a Correctional Sample. Journal of personality assessment. 74. 262-81. 10.1207/S15327752JPA7402_7.

Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Garb, Howard & Nezworski, M.. (2000). Limitations of the Rorschach as a diagnostic tool: A reply to Garfield (2000), Lerner (2000), and Weiner (2000). Journal of clinical psychology. 56. 441-8. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(200003)56:33.3.CO;2-H.

Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Garb, Howard & Nezworski, M.. (2000). The Rorschach test in clinical diagnosis: A critical review, with a backward look at Garfield(1947). Journal of clinical psychology. 56. 395-430; discussion 431. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(200003)56:33.0.CO;2-O.

Morgan, Alex & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2000). A meta-analytic review of the relation between antisocial behavior and neuropsychological measures of executive function – A review. Clinical psychology review. 20. 113-36. 10.1016/S0272-7358(98)00096-8.

Wood, James & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2000). The Rorschach Inkblot Test: A Case of Overstatement?. Assessment. 6. 341-52. 10.1177/107319119900600405.

Herbert, James & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lohr, Jeffrey & Montgomery, Robert & o’Donohue, William & Rosen, Gerald & Tolin, David. (2000). Science and pseudoscience in the development of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Clinical Psychology Review – CLIN PSYCHOL REV. 20. 945-971.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth. (1999). A step backward in the recovered memory debate.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 30. 623-623. 10.1037//0735-7028.30.6.623.b.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Gershon, Jonathan & Duke, Marshall & Marino, Lori & Waal, Frans. (1999). A preliminary investigation of the construct of psychopathic personality (psychopathy) in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 113. 365-75. 10.1037//0735-7036.113.4.365.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth. (1999). A step backward in the recovered memory debate. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice. 30. 623. 10.1037/0735-7028.30.6.623.b.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Lynn, Steven & Kirsch, Ilan & Chaves, John & Sarbin, Theodore & Ganaway, George & Powell, Russell. (1999). Dissociative identity disorder and the sociocognitive model: Recalling the lessons of the past. Psychological bulletin. 125. 507-23. 10.1037/0033-2909.125.5.507.

Lynn, Steven & Lilienfeld, Scott & Rhue, Judith. (1999). An evaluation of Barber’s three‐dimensional theory of hypnosis: promise and pitfalls. Contemporary Hypnosis. 16. 160 – 164. 10.1002/ch.170.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Marino, Lori. (1999). Essentialism revisited: Evolutionary theory and the concept of mental disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 108, 400-411. Journal of abnormal psychology. 108. 400-11. 10.1037/0021-843X.108.3.400.

Chorpita, Bruce & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1999). Clinical assessment of anxiety sensitivity in children and adolescents: Where do we go from here?. Psychological Assessment. 11. 212-224. 10.1037/1040-3590.11.2.212.

Lohr, Jeffrey & Lilienfeld, Scott & Tolin, David & Herbert, James. (1999). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing:: An Analysis of Specific versus Nonspecific Treatment Factors. Journal of anxiety disorders. 13. 185-207. 10.1016/S0887-6185(98)00047-4.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1999). The relation of the MMPI-2 Pd Harris-Lingoes subscales to psychopathy, psychopathy facets, and antisocial behavior: Implications for clinical practice. Journal of clinical psychology. 55. 241-55. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(199902)55:2<241::AID-JCLP12>3.0.CO;2-I.

Edens, John & Poythress, Norman & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1999). Identifying inmates at risk for disciplinary infractions: A comparison of two measures of psychopathy. Behavioral sciences & the law. 17. 435-43. 10.1002/(SICI)1099-0798(199910/12)17:43.0.CO;2-Z.

Frick, Paul & Lilienfeld, Scott & Ellis, Mesha & Loney, Brian & Silverthorn, Persephanie. (1999). The Association between Anxiety and Psychopathy Dimensions in Children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 27. 383-392. 10.1023/A:1021928018403.

Lohr, Joann & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Tolin, David & Herbert, James. (1999). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – Effectiveness and autonomic correlates. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 13.

Marino, Lori & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1998). Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Flawed Data, Flawed Conclusions. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals. 11. 10.2752/089279398787000517.

Lohr, Jeffrey & Tolin, David & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1998). Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Implications for behavior therapy. Behavior Therapy. 29. 123-156. 10.1016/S0005-7894(98)80035-X.

Poythress, Norman & Edens, John & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1998). Criterion-based validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory in a prison sample. Psychological Assessment. 10. 426-430. 10.1037/1040-3590.10.4.426.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Loftus, Elizabeth. (1998). Repressed memories and World War II: Some cautionary notes. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 29. 471-475. 10.1037/0735-7028.29.5.471.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Turner, Samuel & Jacob, Rolf. (1998). D??j?? Vu All Over Again: Critical Misunderstandings Concerning Anxiety Sensitivity and Constructive Suggestions for Future Research. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 12. 71-82. 10.1016/S0887-6185(97)00050-9.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1998). Lilienfeld, S. Methodological advances and developments in the assessment of psychopathy. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 99–125. Behaviour research and therapy. 36. 99-125. 10.1016/S0005-7967(97)10021-3.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1997). The relation of anxiety sensitivity to higher and lower order personality dimensions: Implications for the etiology of panic attacks. Journal of abnormal psychology. 106. 539-44. 10.1037/0021-843X.106.4.539.

Harkness, Allan & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1997). Individual Differences Science for Treatment Planning: Personality Traits. Psychological Assessment. 9. 349-360. 10.1037//1040-3590.9.4.349.

Harkness, Allan & Lilienfeld, SO. (1997). Individual differences science for treatment planning: Personality traits. Psychological Assessment. 9. 349-360. 10.1037/1040-3590.9.4.349.

Romas, R & Jacob, Rolf & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1997). Space and motion discomfort in Brazilian versus American patients with anxiety disorders. Journal of anxiety disorders. 11. 131-9. 10.1016/S0887-6185(97)00002-9.

Ramos, R.T. & Jacob, Rolf & Lilienfeld, S.O. & Bonarini, Andrea & Basso, F.. (1997). Learning to Compose Fuzzy Behaviors for Autonomous Agents. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 17.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1996). The MMPI–2 Antisocial Practices Content Scale: Construct Validity and Comparison With the Psychopathic Deviate Scale. Psychological Assessment. 8. 281-293. 10.1037/1040-3590.8.3.281.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Turner, Samuel & Jacob, Rolf. (1996). Further comments on the nature and measurement of anxiety sensitivity: A reply to Taylor (1995b). Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 10. 411-424. 10.1016/0887-6185(96)00020-5.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Andrews, Brian. (1996). Development and Preliminary Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Psychopathic Personality Traits in Noncriminal Population. Journal of personality assessment. 66. 488-524. 10.1207/s15327752jpa6603_3.

Hamburger, Merle & Lilienfeld, Scott & Hogben, Matthew. (1996). Psychopathy, Gender, and Gender Roles: Implications for Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders. 10. 41-55. 10.1521/pedi.1996.10.1.41.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Hess, Tanya & Rowland, Cherilyn. (1996). Psychopathic personality traits and temporal perspective: A test of the short time horizon hypothesis. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 18. 285-303. 10.1007/BF02229050.

Alliger, George & Lilienfeld, Scott & Mitchell, Krystin. (1996). The Susceptibility of Overt and Covert Integrity Tests to Coaching and Faking. Psychological Science – PSYCHOL SCI. 7. 32-39. 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1996.tb00663.x.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Marino, Lori. (1995). Mental disorder as a Roschian concept: A critique of Wakefield’s harmful dysfunction’ analysis. Journal of abnormal psychology. 104. 411-20. 10.1037//0021-843X.104.3.411.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1995). Reply to Maltzman’s “Why Alcoholism is a Disease”. Journal of psychoactive drugs. 27. 287-91. 10.1080/02791072.1995.10472473.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Alliger, George & Mitchell, Krystin. (1995). Why Integrity Testing Remains Controversial. American Psychologist. 50. 457-458. 10.1037/0003-066X.50.6.457.

Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott & Lahey, Benjamin. (1995). Toward construct validity in the childhood disruptive behavior disorders: Classification and diagnosis in DSM-IV and beyond. Advances in Clinical Child Psychology. 17. 323-363.

Orsillo, Susan & Lilienfeld, Scott & Heimberg, Richard. (1994). Social phobia and response to challenge procedures: Examining the interaction between anxiety sensitivity and trait anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 8. 247-258. 10.1016/0887-6185(94)90006-X.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Andrews, Brian & Stone-Romero, Eugene & Stone, Dianna. (1994). The Relations between a Self-Report Honesty Test and Personality Measures in Prison and College Samples. Journal of Research in Personality. 28. 154–169. 10.1006/jrpe.1994.1013.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1994). Conceptual Problems in the Assessment of Psychopathy. Clinical Psychology Review, 14(1), 17-38. Clinical Psychology Review. 14. 17-38. 10.1016/0272-7358(94)90046-9.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Turner, Samuel & Jacob, Rolf. (1993). Anxiety sensitivity: An examination of theoretical and methodological issues. Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy. 15. 147-183. 10.1016/0146-6402(93)90019-X.

Jacob, Rolf & Woody, Sheila & Clark, Duncan & Lilienfeld, Scott & Hirsch, Barry & Kucera, Gail & Furman, Joseph & Durrant, John. (1993). Discomfort with space and motion: A possible marker of vestibular dysfunction assessed by the situational characteristics questionnaire. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 15. 299-324. 10.1007/BF00965035.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1992). The association between Antisocial Personality and Somatization Disorders: A review and integration of theoretical models. Clinical Psychology Review. 12. 641-662. 10.1016/0272-7358(92)90136-V.

Waldman, Irwin & Lilienfeld, Scott. (1991). Diagnostic Efficiency of Symptoms for Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 59. 732-8. 10.1037/0022-006X.59.5.732.

Jacob, Rolf & Lilienfeld, Scott & Furman, Joseph & Durrant, John & Turner, Samuel. (1989). Panic disorder with vestibular dysfunction: Further clinical observations and description of space and motion phobic stimuli. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 3. 117-130. 10.1016/0887-6185(89)90006-6.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Jacob, Rolf & Furman, J.M.R.. (1989). Vestibular Dysfunction Followed by Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. The Journal of nervous and mental disease. 177. 700-1. 10.1097/00005053-198911000-00009.

Lilienfeld, Scott. (1989). [No Title]. British Journal of Psychiatry. 154. 568-569. 10.1192/S0007125000175002.

Lilienfeld, Scott & Jacob, Rolf & Turner, Samuel. (1989). Comment on Holloway and McNally’s (1987) “Effects of Anxiety Sensitivity on the Response to Hyperventilation”. Journal of abnormal psychology. 98. 100-2. 10.1037//0021-843X.98.1.100.

Lynn, Steven & Lock, Timothy & Loftus, Elizabeth & Krackow, Elisa & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2021). The remembrance of things past: Problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy..

Jacob, Rolf & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2021). Panic disorder: Diagnosis, medical assessment, and psychological assessment..

Lohr, Jeffrey & Devilly, Grant & Lilienfeld, Scott & Olatunji, Bunmi. (2021). First Do No Harm, and Then Do Some Good: Science and Professional Responsibility in the Response to Disaster and Trauma.


Costello, Thomas & Unterberger, Ansley & Watts, Ashley & Lilienfeld, Scott. (2018). Supplementary Material.

Sörman, Karolina & Nilsonne, Gustav & Howner, Katarina & Tamm, Sandra & Caman, Shilan & Wang, Hui-Xin & Ingvar, Martin & Edens, John & Gustavsson, Petter & Lilienfeld, Scott & Petrovic, Predrag & Fischer, Håkan & Kristiansson, Marianne. (2016). S1 File.

Heim, Derek & Agrawal, Ravindra & Allamani, Allaman & Arvers, Philippe & Beccaria, Franca & Berridge, Virginia & Blomqvist, Jan & Boniface, Sadie & Bruno, Raimondo & Buchanan, Julian & Bühringer, Gerhard & Cameron, Doug & Chikritzhs, Tanya & Coomber, Ross & Covington, Stephanie & Dalgarno, Phil & Davies, John & Decorte, Tom & Dos Santos, Vagner & Wilsnack, Sharon. (2014). Addiction: Not just brain malfunction. Nature. 507.